git function

  • Getting Started
    • Setting up a repository
    • Saving changes
    • Inspecting a repository
    • Undoing changes
    • Rewriting history
  • Collaborating
    • Syncing
    • Making a Pull Request
    • Using branches
    • Comparing workflows
  • Migrating to Git
    • SVN to Git - prepping for the migration
    • Migrate to Git from SVN
    • Prepare
    • Convert
    • Synchronize
    • Share
    • Migrate
    • Perforce to Git - why to make the move
    • Migrating from Perforce to Git
    • How to move a Git repository with history
  • Advanced Tips
    • Advanced Git Tutorials
    • Merging vs. Rebasing
    • Resetting, Checking Out, and Reverting
    • Advanced Git log
    • Git Hooks
    • Refs and the Reflog
    • Git LFS
    • Git gc
    • Git prune
    • Git Bash
    • How to store dotfiles
    • Git Cherry Pick


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