Grouping by date range
- data in a vector:
vDates <- as.Date(c("2013-06-01", "2013-07-08", "2013-09-01", "2013-09-15"))
- vector that sorts those by month
vDates.bymonth <- cut(vDates, breaks = "month")
- combine these into a data frame:
dfDates <- data.frame(vDates, vDates.bymonth)
cut() function
group series of dates and associated values by date range such as
- week
- month
- quarter
- year
as.Date() function
- convert string object as a date object.
- convert between character representations and objects of class "Date" representing calendar dates.
data in a vector:
vDates <- as.Date(c("2013-06-01", "2013-07-08", "2013-09-01", "2013-09-15"))
# creates:
# [1] "2013-06-01" "2013-07-08" "2013-09-01" "2013-09-15"
- vector that sorts those by month
vDates.bymonth <- cut(vDates, breaks = "month")
# produces:
# [1] 2013-06-01 2013-07-01 2013-09-01 2013-09-01
# Levels: 2013-06-01 2013-07-01 2013-08-01 2013-09-01
- combine these into a data frame:
dfDates <- data.frame(vDates, vDates.bymonth)