EDA - Exploratory Data Analysis

  • A Complete Tutorial which teaches Data Exploration in detail

    * steps involved to understand, clean and prepare your data for building your predictive model
        - Data Exploration: understand and clean data
            - Variable Identification
            - Univariate
            - Bivariate Analysis
            - Missing Values Imputation 
            - Outliers Treatment
        - Feature Engineering: extracting more information from existing data
            - Variable transformation
            - Variable / Feature creation

1. Steps of Data Exploration and Preparation

  • Data Exploration: understand and clean your data
    * [1. Variable Identification](EDA_Variable_Identification.md)
    * [2. Univariate Analysis](EDA_Univariate_Analysis.md)
    * [3. Bi-variate Analysis](EDA_Bi-variate_Analysis.md)
    * [4. Missing values treatment](EDA_Missing_values_treatment.md)
          - Why missing value treatment is required ?
          - Why data has missing values?
          - Which are the methods to treat missing value ?
    * [5. Outlier treatment](EDA_Outlier_treatment.md)
          - What is an outlier?
          - What are the types of outliers ?
          - What are the causes of outliers ?
          - What is the impact of outliers on dataset ?
          - How to remove outlier ?
  • Feature Engineering: extracting more information from existing data
    - What is Feature Engineering ?
    - What is the process of Feature Engineering ?
    * [6. Variable transformation](EDA_Variable_transformation.md)
          - What is Variable Transformation ?
          - When should we use variable transformation ?
          - What are the common methods of variable transformation ?
    * [7. Variable creation](EDA_Variable_creation.md)
          - What is feature variable creation and its benefits ?

1. Steps of Data Exploration and Preparation

  • Data Exploration: understand and clean your data
    * [1. Variable Identification](EDA_Variable_Identification.md)
    * [2. Univariate Analysis](EDA_Univariate_Analysis.md)
    * [3. Bi-variate Analysis](EDA_Bi-variate_Analysis.md)
    * [4. Missing values treatment](EDA_Missing_values_treatment.md)
    * [5. Outlier treatment](EDA_Outlier_treatment.md)
  • Feature Engineering: extracting more information from existing data
    * [6. Variable transformation](EDA_Variable_transformation.md)
    * [7. Variable creation](EDA_Variable_creation.md)

2. Missing Value Treatment

    - Why missing value treatment is required ?
    - Why data has missing values?
    - Which are the methods to treat missing value ?

3. Techniques of Outlier Detection and Treatment

  - What is an outlier?
  - What are the types of outliers ?
  - What are the causes of outliers ?
  - What is the impact of outliers on dataset ?
  - How to remove outlier ?

4. The Art of Feature Engineering

  - What is Feature Engineering ?
  - What is the process of Feature Engineering ?
  - What is Variable Transformation ?
  - When should we use variable transformation ?
  - What are the common methods of variable transformation ?
  - What is feature variable creation and its benefits ?


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