Reshaping: Long to Wide

  • dcast(){reshape2}
  • Syntax of dcast()
id variables ~ variable variables

ideDataFrame <- dcast(longDataFrame, idVariableColumn1 + idVariableColumn2 ~ variableColumn, value.var="Nameolumn with the measurement values")
  • [S]pecify the formula where

    • ID variables
      • The variables you want repeating in each row
      • those that remain in columns
      • are before the tilde (~)
    • variable variables
      • Those that should become column headers
      • those that get 'moved to the top'
      • are after the tilde (~)
    • The third argument for dcast() -assigns the name of the column that holds your measurement values to value.var.
  • Code of dcast()

companiesWide <- dcast(companiesLong, fy + company ~ financialCategory, value.var="amount")


results matching ""

    No results matching ""