+.gg() |
Add components to a plot |
absoluteGrob() |
Absolute grob |
add_theme() |
Modify properties of an element in a theme object |
aes() |
Construct aesthetic mappings |
aes_() |
Define aesthetic mappings programatically |
aes_all() |
Given a character vector, create a set of identity mappings |
aes_auto() |
Automatic aesthetic mapping |
aes_colour_fill_alpha() |
Colour related aesthetics: colour, fill and alpha |
aes_group_order() |
Aesthetics: grouping |
aes_linetype_size_shape() |
Differentiation related aesthetics: linetype, size, shape |
aes_position() |
Position related aesthetics: x, y, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, xend, yend |
annotate() |
Create an annotation layer |
annotation_custom() |
Annotation: Custom grob |
annotation_logticks() |
Annotation: log tick marks |
annotation_map() |
Annotation: a maps |
annotation_raster() |
Annotation: high-performance rectangular tiling |
as.list.ggproto() |
Convert a ggproto object to a list |
as_labeller() |
Coerce to labeller function |
autoplot() |
Create a complete ggplot appropriate to a particular data type |
benchplot() |
Benchmark plot creation time. Broken down into construct, build, render and draw times. |
borders() |
Create a layer of map borders |
calc_element() |
Calculate the element properties, by inheriting properties from its parents |
combine_vars() |
Take input data and define a mapping between facetting variables and ROW, COL and PANEL keys |
continuous_scale() |
Continuous scale constructor. |
coord_cartesian() |
Cartesian coordinates |
coord_fixed() |
Cartesian coordinates with fixed "aspect ratio" |
coord_flip() |
Cartesian coordinates with x and y flipped |
coord_map() |
Map projections |
coord_munch() |
Munch coordinates data |
coord_polar() |
Polar coordinates |
coord_trans() |
Transformed Cartesian coordinate system |
cut_interval() |
Discretise numeric data into categorical |
diamonds() |
Prices of 50,000 round cut diamonds |
discrete_scale() |
Discrete scale constructor. |
draw_key() |
Key drawing functions |
economics() |
US economic time series |
element_grob() |
Generate grid grob from theme element |
expand_limits() |
Expand the plot limits, using data |
facet_grid() |
Lay out panels in a grid |
facet_null() |
Facet specification: a single panel. |
facet_wrap() |
Wrap a 1d ribbon of panels into 2d |
faithfuld() |
2d density estimate of Old Faithful data |
find_panel() |
Find panels in a gtable |
fortify() |
Fortify a model with data. |
fortify.lm() |
Supplement the data fitted to a linear model with model fit statistics. |
fortify.map() |
Fortify method for map objects |
fortify.sp() |
Fortify method for classes from the sp package. |
fortify-multcomp() |
Fortify methods for objects produced by multcomp |
geom_abline() |
Reference lines: horizontal, vertical, and diagonal |
geom_bar() |
Bars charts |
geom_bin2d() |
Heatmap of 2d bin counts |
geom_blank() |
Draw nothing |
geom_boxplot() |
A box and whiskers plot (in the style of Tukey) |
geom_contour() |
2d contours of a 3d surface |
geom_count() |
Count overlapping points |
geom_crossbar() |
Vertical intervals: lines, crossbars & errorbars |
geom_density() |
Smoothed density estimates |
geom_density_2d() |
Contours of a 2d density estimate |
geom_dotplot() |
Dot plot |
geom_errorbarh() |
Horizontal error bars |
geom_freqpoly() |
Histograms and frequency polygons |
geom_hex() |
Hexagonal heatmap of 2d bin counts |
geom_jitter() |
Jittered points |
geom_label() |
Text |
geom_map() |
Polygons from a reference map |
geom_path() |
Connect observations |
geom_point() |
Points |
geom_polygon() |
Polygons |
geom_qq() |
A quantile-quantile plot |
geom_quantile() |
Quantile regression |
geom_raster() |
Rectangles |
geom_ribbon() |
Ribbons and area plots |
geom_rug() |
Rug plots in the margins |
geom_segment() |
Line segments and curves |
geom_smooth() |
Smoothed conditional means |
geom_spoke() |
Line segments parameterised by location, direction and distance |
geom_violin() |
Violin plot |
gg_dep() |
Give a deprecation error, warning, or message, depending on version number. |
ggplot() |
Create a new ggplot |
ggplot_build() |
Build ggplot for rendering. |
ggplot_gtable() |
Build a plot with all the usual bits and pieces. |
ggplot2-ggproto() |
Base ggproto classes for ggplot2 |
ggplot2-package() |
ggplot2: Create Elegant Data Visualisations Using the Grammar of Graphics |
ggplotGrob() |
Generate a ggplot2 plot grob. |
ggproto() |
Create a new ggproto object |
ggsave() |
Save a ggplot (or other grid object) with sensible defaults |
ggtheme() |
Complete themes |
graphical-units() |
Graphical units |
guide_colourbar() |
Continuous colour bar guide |
guide_legend() |
Legend guide |
guides() |
Set guides for each scale |
hmisc() |
A selection of summary functions from Hmisc |
is.Coord() |
Is this object a coordinate system? |
is.facet() |
Is this object a facetting specification? |
is.ggplot() |
Reports whether x is a ggplot object |
is.rel() |
Reports whether x is a rel object |
is.theme() |
Reports whether x is a theme object |
label_bquote() |
Label with mathematical expressions |
labeller() |
Construct labelling specification |
labellers() |
Useful labeller functions |
labs() |
Modify axis, legend, and plot labels |
last_plot() |
Retrieve the last plot to be modified or created. |
layer() |
Create a new layer |
limits() |
Generate correct scale type for specified limits |
lims() |
Set scale limits |
map_data() |
Create a data frame of map data |
margin() |
Theme elements |
max_height() |
Get the maximal width/length of a list of grobs |
mean_se() |
Calculate mean and standard error |
midwest() |
Midwest demographics |
mpg() |
Fuel economy data from 1999 and 2008 for 38 popular models of car |
msleep() |
An updated and expanded version of the mammals sleep dataset |
position_dodge() |
Dodge overlapping objects side-to-side |
position_identity() |
Don't adjust position |
position_jitter() |
Jitter points to avoid overplotting |
position_jitterdodge() |
Simultaneously dodge and jitter |
position_nudge() |
Nudge points a fixed distance |
position_stack() |
Stack overlapping objects on top of each another |
presidential() |
Terms of 11 presidents from Eisenhower to Obama |
print.ggplot() |
Explicitly draw plot |
print.ggproto() |
Format or print a ggproto object |
qplot() |
Quick plot |
reexports() |
Objects exported from other packages |
remove_missing() |
Convenience function to remove missing values from a data.frame |
render_axes() |
Render panel axes |
render_strips() |
Render panel strips |
resolution() |
Compute the "resolution" of a numeric vector |
scale_alpha() |
Alpha transparency scales |
scale_colour_brewer() |
Sequential, diverging and qualitative colour scales from colorbrewer.org |
scale_colour_gradient() |
Gradient colour scales |
scale_colour_grey() |
Sequential grey colour scales |
scale_colour_hue() |
Evenly spaced colours for discrete data |
scale_continuous() |
Position scales for continuous data (x & y) |
scale_date() |
Position scales for date/time data |
scale_identity() |
Use values without scaling |
scale_linetype() |
Scale for line patterns |
scale_manual() |
Create your own discrete scale |
scale_shape() |
Scales for shapes, aka glyphs |
scale_size() |
Scales for area or radius |
scale_x_discrete() |
Position scales for discrete data |
seals() |
Vector field of seal movements |
sec_axis() |
Specify a secondary axis |
should_stop() |
Used in examples to illustrate when errors should occur. |
stat_ecdf() |
Compute empirical cumulative distribution |
stat_ellipse() |
Compute normal confidence ellipses |
stat_function() |
Compute function for each x value |
stat_identity() |
Leave data as is |
stat_summary_2d() |
Bin and summarise in 2d (rectangle & hexagons) |
stat_summary_bin() |
Summarise y values at unique/binned x |
stat_unique() |
Remove duplicates |
summary.ggplot() |
Displays a useful description of a ggplot object |
theme() |
Modify components of a theme |
theme_get() |
Get, set, and modify the active theme |
transform_position() |
Convenience function to transform all position variables. |
translate_qplot_ggplot() |
Translating between qplot and ggplot |
translate_qplot_lattice() |
Translating between qplot and lattice |
update_geom_defaults() |
Modify geom/stat aesthetic defaults for future plots |
update_labels() |
Update axis/legend labels |
waiver() |
A waiver object. |
wrap_dims() |
Arrange 1d structure into a grid |
zeroGrob() |
The zero grob draws nothing and has zero size. |
() |
() |
() |
() |
() |
() |
() |
() |