Standard error

standard deviation 描述一組樣本的分散情形 每個樣本與樣本平均值的偏差(Deviation),用來描述一組樣本的分散情形
standard error 抽樣描述母群體 藉由抽樣代表母群體,並利用抽樣結果描述母群體,而每次的抽樣結果與母裙體間的偏差即為標準誤(Standard Error)

  • There’s a slight difference between standard deviation and pooled sample standard error:

    • When we are talking about a population, we talk about standard deviations.
    • When we talk about a sample we call it a standard error.
  • Standard error of the mean

  • Standard error
    • the standard deviation of the sampling distribution of a statistical mean
      • 標準誤:進行多次抽樣, 每次抽樣的平均數分佈的標準差
    • used to refer an estimate of the standard deviation, drived from a particular sample to compute the estimate

      • 由一次抽樣, 可得樣本的 standard deviation, 經計算可推估群體 standard deviation 的范圍

  • population mean : 95% confidence interval


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