Package/ {graphics} arguments a-z

arguments in {graphics}

Name Description Example Notes
adj= adj = c(0, 0.5),
angle= angle = 45,
bg= # for background color bg = par("bg")
border= border = "black",
box.col= box.col = par("fg")
box.lty= box.lty = par("lty")
box.lwd= box.lwd = par("lwd")
bty = "o"= # for box type bty = "o"
cex= # for size 放大縮小倍數 size of point cex = 1
col = par("col"), # 顏色= # 顏色 col = par("col")
density= density = NULL
fill= fill = NULL,
horiz= # sets the legend horizontally rather than vertically horiz = FALSE
inset= inset = 0
legend= # 說明文字
line= specifying a value for line overrides the default placement of labels, and places them this many lines outwards from the plot edge.
location = "bottom", "bottomleft", "left", "topleft", "top", "topright", "right", "bottomright", "center"
lty= line type lty=1
lwd= line width
main= The main title (on top) using font, size (character expansion) and color par(c("font.main", "cex.main", "col.main")).
merge= merge = do.lines & has.pch,
ncol= ncol = 1,
outer= a logical value. If TRUE, the titles are placed in the outer margins of the plot.
pch = # 資料點符號選取 point character
plot= plot = TRUE, = NA,
pt.cex= pt.cex = cex,
pt.lwd= pt.lwd = lwd,
seg.len= seg.len = 2
sub= Sub-title (at bottom) using font, size and color par(c("font.sub", "cex.sub", "col.sub")).
text.col= # for text color text.col = par("col")
text.font= text.font = NULL,
text.width= text.width = NULL,
title= title = NULL,
title.adj= title.adj = 0.5,
title.col= title.col = text.col,
trace= trace = FALSE,
type= type of plot
x.intersp= x.intersp = 1,
xjust= xjust = 0,
xlab= X axis label using font, size and color par(c("font.lab", "cex.lab", "col.lab")).
y.intersp= y.intersp = 1,
yjust= yjust = 1,
ylab= Y axis label, same font attributes as xlab.


* [legend {graphics}: add legends to plots](

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